Polly’s on ebay

I’ve come to the realisation that I’ll never find the time to restore my old VW campervan, so sadly it is time to let her go. Polly was well travelled, took me all round Europe in my student days. But time moves on, and here’s the ad. And here are some pictures. Go on, you know you want to…


  1. Bert · Sunday, 30 July, 2006

    No stop this this nonsense.
    She can surely live to drive another day.
    Polly is a one off – a classic in her own right.
    She is the last thread to a misspent youth.
    Stop this folly immediately and sell that ghastly mercedes, and that lowered boy racer excuse for a camper van and invest in bringing back to life the one real camper that meant anything to you. She put up with all our
    ( mostly your )purile lunacy, and gave us enough adventure to fulfill our juvenile fantasies…….

    I shall be summoning a petition of immediate effect from all those that sailed in her
    and enjoyed many a night chewing the fat over noxious herbs and a few bottles of that cheap French beer you always materialised…

    Go with your heart –
    And what do you mean you havnt got the time to restore her – forget going to the coast for the day with the family -…. priorities

    Yours begrudgingly

  2. marc · Monday, 14 August, 2006

    Polly is now sold. She’s gone to a good home.

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