This agile lark. It’s like build a car right?

It’s great when your client gets it. He gives us the analogy. It’s like a car. Release planning is all about getting the car out on to the test track. It’s gotta have a chasis, four wheels, an engine and a steering wheel. Iteration planning? What order should we build stuff in. Well we don;t need the wheels until we’ve got the chasis. The engine is a high priority and there are a lot of dependencies associated with it. And we don’t really need the sterring wheel if we are happy to test on the straight strip… But remember, just because the wheels come lower down the plan, the release isn’t complete until they are all on… And also remember that this is just the “bare bones” of the car. It drives. We can’t acutally take it to the motor show until it looks good. And we can’t take it to the market until it is comfortable.

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